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DJ Jukebox 14.2

DJ Jukebox - инструмент для управления музыкальной библиотекой и создания плейлистов. Каждой песне можно назначить рейтинг, так что ваши возлюбленные песни будут играться почаще, а невозлюбленные песни вообщем не будут выбираться. Опосля того, как вы выставите рейтинг всем песням, программка создаст плейлисты, в которых совершенно смешиваются ваши возлюбленные композиции, просто отличные песни и обычные песни.

С помощью программы вы также можете управлять всей библиотекой своих песен. Она поможет вам сохранить время и будет содержать все песни в порядке, в то время когда ваша коллекция постоянно растет.

DJ Jukebox is an essential tool for managing a song library and generating playlists.
Each song can be assigned a rating so that favorites are played more often, and that unwanted songs are never chosen. Once all of the songs are rated, DJ Jukebox will generate playlists with the perfect mix of great songs, good songs, and some average songs. The repetition prevention feature ensures that the playlist is always fresh.
Also included is an array of powerful file management tools that allow the user to easily manage their song library. This makes DJ Jukebox an important time saver, especially as your collection grows into the thousands.

Key Features
• Playlist Generator
DJ Jukebox generates random lists of songs which can be delivered to a media player such as Winamp. Each song can be rated (on a scale of 0-100) to ensure that favorites are chosen more often. A rating of 0 will prevent the song from being played altogether.
• File Management
DJ Jukebox maintains a list of each song and its rating in the "Song Table". From this table, songs can be easily renamed, deleted, or rated.
DJ Jukebox can rename or move an entire directory. The Song Table is automatically updated to reflect the new song locations.
DJ Jukebox can also perform a text search and replace operation on the Song Table. Again, the song files are automatically renamed when a change is мейд.
• Remote Control
DJ Jukebox can listen for commands from another copy of DJ Jukebox located on a local area network (LAN). Programmable keystrokes can be sent to the server with the click of a button, providing complete remote control over the media player.
The remote control feature can be used by a dedicated entertainment server. DJ Jukebox can start automatically during bootup and begin listening for remote commands. The server does not even need a monitor.
• Rip CD's
DJ Jukebox can convert a CD into MP3 files. It uses the LAME encoder which is widely regarded as producing the highest audio quality. Features include:
• Jitter detection
Automatic slowdown and retry when sectors cannot be read
FreeDB enabled to provide album and track information
• Commercials
DJ Jukebox can insert commercials in between songs. The commercials can be any type of media file that the media player supports. The average number of commercials per song can be adjusted, and individual commercials can be assigned a frequency rating that determines how often they are chosen.
• Repetition Prevention
When DJ Jukebox generates a playlist, it can make sure that songs do not get repeated too often. It can also ensure that no two consecutive songs are from the same album or artist, or have the same name.
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Свойство программы:
Название программы и Версия: DJ Jukebox 14.2
Операционная система:Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2012
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Англиский
Размер файла: 7mb
СкачатьDJ Jukebox 14.2:

Категория: Софт | Просмотров: 735 | Добавил: borabora | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Как скачать с Letitbit
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