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Postbox 3.0.7

Postbox - почтовый клиент для пользователей энергично работающим с почтой и нуждающимся в широком ассортименте функций и настроек. Данная программа изготовлена на источнике признанного клиента Mozilla Thunderbird, но составляет кардинально автономным продуктом, а не просто усовершенствованной версией Thunderbird, как, например, Eudora.

Postbox will enable you to easily manage multiple mail accounts from the same interface. Postbox helps you make the most of your email, offering powerful new ways to find, use, and view email messages and content, organize your work life, and get stuff done.

Postbox works behind the scenes to catalog everything in your email. We mean everything: every bit of text, every contact, address and link. Every picture, document and attachment. It’s all in the catalog and it’s all searchable. Just click the Images tab to see a thumbnail gallery of every picture.

Here are some key features of "Postbox":

- Simpler, More Intuitive Interface
We've re-designed the Postbox interface to make it simpler and more intuitive. Additionally, we created a crisp, clean, and fresh new theme for the Mac that contains two new icon sets – one in color and the other in Mac OS Lion-ready monochrome pictograms.
- Streamlined Message View
The Preview Pane is designed to make messages and conversations load ultra-fast, with minimal movement and jitter as you page from message to message. The result is a silky-smooth reading experience that's easy on the eyes.
- Vertical Thread Pane View
Postbox supports a double-row Vertical Thread Pane View, which makes more efficient use of widescreen displays. To see it in action, select "Layout" then "Vertical View" from the View menu.
- Unified Folders and Account Groups
Postbox lets you combine messages from multiple accounts into one Inbox. Accounts can also be organized into Account Groups, so you can keep your work and personal messages separate. Add as many accounts to a group as desired. Then, select a group to get a unified view for messages within the group.
- Focus Pane
The Focus Pane lets you break your Inbox (and workload) into smaller, more manageable chunks. Easily organize the Focus Pane by your highest work priorities — such as projects, clients or events — then focus on these messages without losing track of what's happening elsewhere.
- Quick Move
With Quick Move, you can file messages without using your mouse. Just type the letter "v", enter the first few letters from the target folder, and the message will file to your auto-completed selection. The Quick Move panel defaults to the last used folder for even faster filing.
- Quick Reply
Quick Reply lets you reply to a message without the need to open a separate compose window, which is perfect for short, snappy responses such as "I'll see you at eight, " or simply "thanks! " And it all happens inline within a message or conversation, so that you can get right back to what you were doing.
- Summarized Replies
Postbox’s Conversation View simplifies message viewing, and now, “Summarize Mode” extends these benefits to message Replies and Forwards. Summarize provides a clean and beautifully formatted who-said-what-when email that lets message recipients jump into discussions with more clarity, context and insight.
- Awesome Compose Experience
The Postbox Compose Window has been completely redesigned. It features a new addressing widget, a simplified formatting toolbar, drop-zone for attachments, and new styling.

What's new in Postbox 3.0.7:
January 21st, 2013

-Fixed an issue where logging into Facebook would fail
-Fixed an issue where detected dates would not work in attached messages
-Fixed an issue with the SpamSieve add-on
-Fixed an issue with the localized versions of the Enigmail add-on

Год выхода: 2013
Версия: 3.0.7
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7
Язык Интерфейса: Multilanguage (Ru)
Таблетка: Patch
16.56 Mb

Скачать Postbox 3.0.7
Скачать с turbobit.net
Скачать с depositfiles.com
Скачать с rusfolder.com
Категория: Интернет | Просмотров: 375 | Добавил: zenj68 | Теги: бесплатно, скачать, Postbox | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Как скачать с Letitbit
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