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Failure Analysis: High Technology Devices

Failure Analysis: High Technology Devices — The book presents a unique view of failure analysis of high technology devices. It describes capabilities and limitations of many analytical techniques and testing paths and decisions best followed in example failure analysis studies.
In this book, we will attempt to cover only the corner of the FA world considering high tech devices and materials. So, we will leave out buildings, bridges, dams, and other large objects, as well as the mysterious area of software. The failure investigation investigating why a system fails (a phone, television, smart watch, or any other device made up of several components) is different than the FA of a single part (resistor, chip, tube), although these are in turn made up of smaller parts themselves. No matter the subject of an investigation, the goal of FA remains unchanged. To find out what caused the failure: the root cause. Even finding the root cause is rarely the end purpose. Knowing the cause allows the factory to change the processes used to make the part, to repair or clean the tools that contaminated the process, or the engineers can perform a design change to improve the end product and greatly reduce or eliminate the failure. Occasionally, the root cause determination is for the purpose of assigning responsibility in litigation/criminal actions or other situations when the improvement of the device is not the driving purpose. This is why failing parts are sometimes referred as “golden units”, in that they are rare and valuable. They offer a chance to better understand and improve a device or process or decide who gets the gold in litigation matters. These parts are also sometimes referred to as “incident units”; however, this nomenclature is often discouraged by attorneys as it sounds bad.
Many people do not understand the benefit of reliability testing and failure analysis work. These people are short sighted. Every time there is a failed device, it is an opportunity to better understand the weak spots in design, materials, and production of the device and this can lead to improvements.
Covers methods and analytical techniques used to find root cause for failures in high technology devices.
Examples from real experiences in failure analysis laboratories.
Descriptions of how to perform the wok with details, not just theory.

Название: Failure Analysis: High Technology Devices
Автор: Dаniеl J. D. Sullivаn, Еriс J. Саrlеtоn
Издательство: De Gruyter
Год: 2022
Страниц: 130
Формат: PDF (TRUE), EPUB
Размер: 12,81 МБ
Качество: отличное
Язык: английский

Категория: Книги | Просмотров: 97 | Добавил: pmojka | Теги: Technology, Failure, 2022, devices, high, Analysis | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 | Как скачать с Letitbit
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